
Posts Tagged ‘lessons i learned’

The most important comodity

May 1, 2014 Leave a comment

As we go through life, we are faced with so much distractions. New phone, a house, a new car, that amazing dress, this delicious dinner, that must go trip… and the list goes on. We fill ourselves with so much clutter.
We realize that these clutters are not what truly brings us happiness, and We know this because at the time we get them, there is still a feeling of incompleteness. A burning void that these things does not fill.
A cliche as it may seem but it seems that happiness comes from intangible and priceless things.
I found inert true joy 8 months ago at 5:30am while having breakfast in starbucks. That was right after i first saw my 1st born in the delivery room. I would trade that moment of true happiness while i was reading the news paper, sipping my coffee and taking a bite in my sandwich.


I continue to find happiness, with thoughts of the time i spend with this new family of mine, and each little thing our little one does.
Another true moment of happiness was 2 years ago in our palawan trip, where I had an opportunity to spend a week with my mom, sister and brother. This was the 1st in 13 years that we had time to be together as we have always been miles apart. I specifically remember singing random songs with my sister while riding the pump boat while my brother was running his hand in the water and my mom was enjoying the wind.


There were several more, seeing my wifes reaction when i popped the question in a cable car in hongkong 50ft from the ground, the time i saw my aunties and uncles coming together during my wedding, i can’t remember how long it was when we last had the opportunity to be together. Everyone was just happy. the time i was able to travel by myself to vigan, be alone and spend a lot of quality time for myself.. and many more…

I would not claim to be a happiness expert. But i can say from these that happiness is brought about by the simplest things. Things that happen to all of us. Moments that are not exclusive to be experienced by a few.

Unfortunately, these moments are easy to miss out. And thats just sad. Because moments such as these only comes once. It will hit you one day and make you realize how much you have missed because you did not pay attention.

I think its just a matter of being able to unclutter and remove yourself from all the unnecessary. knowing how to slow down and being able to live in the moment.

So what is the most important comodity? In my opinion, time is the most important comodity. Knowing and chosing were to spend your time and put your attention is key.

Seems simple. But easy for us to go wrong and waste it.

I have met so many people living in misery.. regretting the years they spent missing out on the right moments.

The good news is, no matter how old you are. Time is still at your disposal. You cannot reclaim the years, but you can definitely choose to spend the upcoming ones better and truely experience happiness