
Archive for April, 2014

How to be the best

April 23, 2014 Leave a comment

With me going past 3 years in my company with the same role, it males you wonder if there is something else instore for me? I guess i’m going through my 3rd year itch.
Maybe its my boss, or maybe its the way my role has been set up, or maybe its because of some politiking happening on top, or maube i’m not being given enough credit to what i’m doing?
more often than not, these questions points outwards, trying to find reason to your misery.
on times like these, i have often been reminded of great leaders such as nelson mandela, mahatma gandi, locals such as ninoy aquino, ferdinand marcos and others… these great men did not have an easy life. In fact, what made them great was the fact that they were push to the corner and yet they were able to create phenomenal feats.
Regardless of what questions I would have stated above turned out as yes, they are in no where comparable to what these men have had.
To be the best, to be great, the secret has always been.. despite these challenges, what have you done?