Knowing how to get there. – lessons from house of cards

February 7, 2015 Leave a comment

As we grow more aware of our environment, we find out that things happen because of 2 primary elements: luck and decisive actions.
A smart man once said that where you are in your life is 99% effort and 1% luck. Or was it the other way around.
I have often been taught to control what you can control. To learn to act and make the most out of your own means.
This has been an invaluable leason that i take in life as i grow older and wiser.
To finally accept that not everything is within my control. But for the littlest fraction that i would have control over, i would exploit and carefully plan to yield the most.
This is in the hopes that the ratio between luck and effort be changed to more of effort than of luck.
It has caused me a lot of anxienty, even as a kid to know that i am not in control of my destiny.
This has been what many great people have done which made them great. Lives of Ferdinand Marcos, Steve Jobs, adolf hitler, Winston Churchill.
It is when life gives them a curb ball. They respond back using these curb ball to propel them past where they are.
success is not merely brought by determination or perseverance. I have seen so many people who have sweated themselves to death but have never came close to their goal. I think thats a bone a lot of successful people throw at us to keep us hoping.
The reality is, it is intent and purposive actions.
Intent is knowing what your goal is and understanding what is needed to get from here to there. It does not mean that you can predict what unexpected things that would come your way. No. No one can do that. Its simply, having a clear mind on what you want, being able to fully visualize what you are to achieve and knowing the path of how to get there.
Purposive actions. Every action leads to a successive reaction.
That is the law of physics which no one can negotiate against.
Every movement and action creates a rippling effect to your surroundings.
No action would be spared from that.
Its just a matter of how much and how big it will be.
Some call this carma.
If you embrace this principle, then you and i will be more thoughtful on our actions.
The posibility of getting where you want to be is a series of decisive and intentful actions.
It is seldom due to chance.

Categories: Uncategorized

Where does my taxes go

January 26, 2015 Leave a comment

Just came from my daughter’s monthly check up. Had to ride a jeepney to avoid having to line up for parking, which usually becomes more of a hassle than taking a public transport.
Everytime I take public transport, my social filters are taken out. Gives you an honest look of the community you live in.
32% of my salary automatically is taken out for taxes. Thats a big chunk. I always see that a third of what i should be earning is kept from me. So given that i get paid twice a month, there should have been a third payment which never happens because the goverment takes it.
And then put to consideration that another 12% is charged everytime you spend for VAT, another form of tax.
So all in all, you almost submit 50% of your total pay to the government.
If you look at that perspective, it tends to arouse your sense of entitlement to what you feel you should be getting. I am paying as much as any other person in any country is paying.
So where do my taxes go?
The philippine government would publicize that our national budget is hugely allocated to pro-poor programs. That raises alot of eyebrows, but thats another topic.
So assuming that our officials are honest and that the money in deed goes to the poor and marginalized.
Is it the right way to spend my money?
You take it from me and give it to the others?
If you envision the poor as someone underprevilaged but struggling to work hard to alleviate themselves from their current condition and just needed an extra push to succeed, thats definitely worthy of my share of hard earned money.
But is that really the case?
Or is it that, most that are poor are poor because of the choices they make?
In reality, you’d often find the marginalized poor with this picture.
A family composed of 6 to 9 kids a year apart. Both the mom and dad does not have any stable jobs. And spends their day either watching television. Chatting through senseless rumors with their neighbour. Or having a bottle of 20 peso bottle of liquior with friends in one of the street corners.
They would often complain on having no jobs available. But if you dig deeper, you’d realize that they have the most descriminate preference on what jobs they would want to work for.
Its not that there is no jobs out there.
Its really a case of “I can’t find the job I prefer to do”. The kind of job, which would allow me to be out if I don’t want to come in to work. That does not require me to move all day. And still allow me to chat with my friends tge whole day. But pays a whole lot of money.
On second thought, most would even consider a chore to look for these jobs. A chore they would put aside on rare occassions they would not be on their social gatherings with their friends.
Given these conditions, their chances of getting employed is really next to none.
And why should they exert effort in getting a job?
Many of our poor finds solice on the aid that the government gives them. The monthly allowances provided to them. The low quality education and medical benefits given to them.
Of course, with no contribution at all, they could not demand any better.
If you think about it, this is not at all help. But rather a way to reward for being lazy. Hence keeping them down on their condition.
Of course our politicians benefit from that. They seem like santa claus and atm machines, handing out money and temporary aid to them. Money and temporary aid, finance by my money.
This status propels our politician to office and keeps then there.
So where does my taxes go?
My question has an underlying tone of, don’t i deserve a better quality of life given that half of what I earn goes to this communal fund called taxes.
Don’t i deserve a better service. A nice place to live and a higher quality of ammenities.
Why is it that those who are lazy are the one’s getting priority to the money I gave out.
In my eyes, if you did not contribute then you dont deserve anything.
To make this country better, everyone has to do his part.
There is no tolerance for laziness.
If it means that we have to force people to work, then we have to.

Categories: Uncategorized

A leaf in the book of life

August 5, 2014 Leave a comment

4 years. Longest i have been in one company. Proud to say that i have matured and have out grown those childish behaviors. Those ego centric, emotional reactions to every slightest thing that doesn’t go my way.
I wish i would have grown a lot faster and have reached this level of maturity a lot faster.
I could have done more.
Nevertheless, here am I.
With no intent to cut my tenure in this organization, Im faced with a new chapter in my life. I didn’t change jobs but have changed everything about my job.
We have just recently been aquired by another company. This change brings about a new assignment, a new boss, a new team, and a new set of colleagues.
So how will embrace this unwelcomed and unplanned change.
In most instances, when I join a new company, these situations often brings about great excitement and joy.
I’m hoping to feel the same way.. yet it havent kicked in yet… any moment now.. just a couple more seconds…
What now? I guess it will happen sooner or later.
So how do you face this change?
With open arms, raised asking for wisdom

A leaf in the book of life

August 5, 2014 Leave a comment

4 years. Longest i have been in one company. Proud to say that i have matured and have out grown those childish behaviors. Those ego centric, emotional reactions to every slightest thing that doesn’t go my way.
I wish i would have grown a lot faster and have reached this level of maturity a lot faster.
I could have done more.
Nevertheless, here am I.
With no intent to cut my tenure in this organization, Im faced with a new chapter in my life. I didn’t change jobs but have changed everything about my job.
We have just recently been aquired by another company. This change brings about a new assignment, a new boss, a new team, and a new set of colleagues.
So how will embrace this unwelcomed and unplanned change.
In most instances, when I join a new company, these situations often brings about great excitement and joy.
I’m hoping to feel the same way.. yet it havent kicked in yet… any moment now.. just a couple more seconds…
What now? I guess it will happen sooner or later.
So how do you face this change?
With open arms, raised asking for wisdom

Categories: Uncategorized

The most important comodity

May 1, 2014 Leave a comment

As we go through life, we are faced with so much distractions. New phone, a house, a new car, that amazing dress, this delicious dinner, that must go trip… and the list goes on. We fill ourselves with so much clutter.
We realize that these clutters are not what truly brings us happiness, and We know this because at the time we get them, there is still a feeling of incompleteness. A burning void that these things does not fill.
A cliche as it may seem but it seems that happiness comes from intangible and priceless things.
I found inert true joy 8 months ago at 5:30am while having breakfast in starbucks. That was right after i first saw my 1st born in the delivery room. I would trade that moment of true happiness while i was reading the news paper, sipping my coffee and taking a bite in my sandwich.


I continue to find happiness, with thoughts of the time i spend with this new family of mine, and each little thing our little one does.
Another true moment of happiness was 2 years ago in our palawan trip, where I had an opportunity to spend a week with my mom, sister and brother. This was the 1st in 13 years that we had time to be together as we have always been miles apart. I specifically remember singing random songs with my sister while riding the pump boat while my brother was running his hand in the water and my mom was enjoying the wind.


There were several more, seeing my wifes reaction when i popped the question in a cable car in hongkong 50ft from the ground, the time i saw my aunties and uncles coming together during my wedding, i can’t remember how long it was when we last had the opportunity to be together. Everyone was just happy. the time i was able to travel by myself to vigan, be alone and spend a lot of quality time for myself.. and many more…

I would not claim to be a happiness expert. But i can say from these that happiness is brought about by the simplest things. Things that happen to all of us. Moments that are not exclusive to be experienced by a few.

Unfortunately, these moments are easy to miss out. And thats just sad. Because moments such as these only comes once. It will hit you one day and make you realize how much you have missed because you did not pay attention.

I think its just a matter of being able to unclutter and remove yourself from all the unnecessary. knowing how to slow down and being able to live in the moment.

So what is the most important comodity? In my opinion, time is the most important comodity. Knowing and chosing were to spend your time and put your attention is key.

Seems simple. But easy for us to go wrong and waste it.

I have met so many people living in misery.. regretting the years they spent missing out on the right moments.

The good news is, no matter how old you are. Time is still at your disposal. You cannot reclaim the years, but you can definitely choose to spend the upcoming ones better and truely experience happiness

How to be the best

April 23, 2014 Leave a comment

With me going past 3 years in my company with the same role, it males you wonder if there is something else instore for me? I guess i’m going through my 3rd year itch.
Maybe its my boss, or maybe its the way my role has been set up, or maybe its because of some politiking happening on top, or maube i’m not being given enough credit to what i’m doing?
more often than not, these questions points outwards, trying to find reason to your misery.
on times like these, i have often been reminded of great leaders such as nelson mandela, mahatma gandi, locals such as ninoy aquino, ferdinand marcos and others… these great men did not have an easy life. In fact, what made them great was the fact that they were push to the corner and yet they were able to create phenomenal feats.
Regardless of what questions I would have stated above turned out as yes, they are in no where comparable to what these men have had.
To be the best, to be great, the secret has always been.. despite these challenges, what have you done?

my new girl

March 11, 2014 Leave a comment

i’m telling you a secret. when i think about my new girl, it brings a smile to my face.
let me tell you why. i love the thought that she tries stay awake at night just to catch me even for a few minutes before going to sleep. and if get in and she’d be a sleep, she would instantly wake up the moment she hears or get the sense that i am in.

we would then end up dancing for several minutes before she goes back to sleep.

in the morning, When she wakes up and i am still a sleep, i would feel her cuddling up to me.
she tries to grab attention everytime she can possibly can. and i can’t describe how cute she does it.
i am her world and she is mine.
my wife knows this and sees it every single time.
i can’t help falling in love with my baby little girl-Natalie

Natalie and I

Traveling in Beijing China in Budget

March 20, 2011 Leave a comment

Going to Beijing or any where in China is difficult when you do not speak mandarin or cantonese. There are very few who can speak English, a lot of Chinese words that have been translated to English which few recognizes, the english alphabet is foreign to locals and there are a lot of swindlers.

So if you are a unknowing tourist, you can easily end up getting lost or paying more.

The safest path is to get a tour guide. Or purchase a tour online or thought the hotel. You’ll just end up paying 200%-300% more if you do it on your own.

Don’t get me wrong , you can do it on your own and get the most of Beijing or China without a tour or a tour guide.

All you need to have are the following:

1. plenty of research – Know the places to visit. What time they would open. And how to get there. A lot of the tourist spots are accessible by subway. But some aren’t like the Great Wall and Ming Tombs, buses to these destinations are right beside some subway terminals.

2. Get a subway map – This is the most convenient and cheapest way to travel around Beijing. A subway ticket would only cost you CYN 2.00. One ticket will get you anywhere you want to, regardless if you need to  move from one train after another. Since most of the tourist spots are accessible by Subway, these would be a big cost saver.

3. If you can go during off peak seasons (Nov – March (1st week)), take advantage of it. Each tourist spot has an entrance fee which is 20%-50% higher on peak season. Not to mention the places gets so crowded.

4. Learn to say no. In entrances of the tourist spots, some locals would offer their services as a tour guide. They would even insist that if you do not have a tour guide, you can easily get lost on the place. If you want to have a tour guide, be my guest. Most of the places are big, but I bet your smart and you can figure it out. There are directions in English within the places.  Note that some tour guide does not speak good english.

5. Know the phone number of your hotel and have the address and the name of the hotel written in Chinese. Your cab driver (from the airport or anywhere in Beijing) does not speak english. So just incase you get lost, you can show this paper to the cab driver.

6. Have some basic words translated to Chinese (pronunciation and in chinese characters).  Since most chinese words were translated to english but aren’t being recognized by locals, this becomes a big challenge for tourist. For example, if you ask for directions to the Forbidden City, they would have no idea what you are talking about. But if you say Tian’anmen, you would have a more likely chance to be pointed to the right direction. Forbidden City is Tian’anmen in chinese.

7. If you are to head for Badaling Great Wall, go to the ji shui tan station. And look for the yellow bus station which would have the green 919 buses. This would require you to walk a block from the subway station. As you walk to the true bus station, there would be several 919 buses that are parked in the side streets.  These buses would not take you to Badaling. If you ask for directions, people in official uniform, will tell  you that there is no more buses and you would have to comeback tomorrow or take a private transport service which will cost you CYN 300-500. Of course this is not true, buses to Badaling runs from 7am to 7pm. So keep moving and find the yellow bus station.

8. Learn to haggle. Prices for tourist are often raised 500-1000%. Which means, something offered for CYN 2000 can be lowered down to CYN50.

If you hit this right, you would be able to get to all the places in USD220.00. This would be 5 days inclusive of breakfast, lunch and dinner but does not include the hotel and airfare.

Buying a New Camera

October 17, 2010 Leave a comment

Its been over months now that me and my wife have been contemplating of buying a good digital camera. Its been years now that we have been having conversations around continuously failing to document our lives throughout the ten years we have been together.
During our wedding preparation (last year), it has been painstaking to look for pictures to use for the collage slideshow that we would be using on our reception.
This has been the scenario since I (in particular) have been lazy to buy a good camera and to take pictures.
So for the last few months, we’ve been in and out of different bargain places to check out a good camera.
There are three places in the world where you can get a good bargain camera. Luckily, its all here in the Philippines (or accessible in the Philippines).
1. Online bargain sites – Locally, you can always click your way through the famous buy and sell sites such as or If you want to further your search, you can tap to The later would cost you some freight charges. It’s always tempting to jump ahead and buy from this online sites.But you’d be a bit cautious specially if you have had experiences where the quality of the goods your buying is not what you expect. The bargain that you were expecting becomes a rip off. Online sites are good places to get good prices, but you must have a good knowledge on what you are buying. Else, forget about this.
2. Greenhills shopping mall- I found 2-3 stalls selling digital SLRs in greenhills and found it competitively priced. A Nikon D5000 was being sold for Php 25k coming from the mall price of Php 35k. Almost one-third of the price has been slashed off. Having 2-3 stalls allows you to have a good look at the product your buying and a sense of being able to choose on who to buy it from. The draw back is the same as the 1st option, if you don’t have a good knowledge of what you are buying, you might get lemons. You’d end up on the repair shop paying for what you were suppose to have saved.
3. The third and best place to buy would be in Hidalgo St. in Quiapo. From 35k, you’d be able to get it at 30k or 28k (which what I got mine for). Quiapo is the best place for bargains on a variety of products and has been acknowledged as a good place to buy stuff by people who knows things about this stuff. So for a Newby like me, who doesn’t want to take chances of buying a beaten up, broken expensive toy, I’ll go where the experts point to.

Of course there is no substitute on taking advantage of relatives or friends who wish to sell stuff that they do not want or no longer need.

**pictures were copied from post from the internet

Reproductive Health Bill

October 4, 2010 Leave a comment

The news screams on the disagreement between the president and the church. As the church continues to rally against the use of contraceptives and artificial birth control, the state puts its foot down saying that they will back up the bill promoting birth control. The church counters this by threatening the president with a call for excommunication and civil disobedience.

This has been a long argument malingering through two different administration.

And why shouldn’t it. A lot Filipinos have been considered poor and struggling to make meets ends. A huge portion of these people are those with large number of kids. This should be tackled and should be talked about. Arguments and disagreement is the start of finding a compromise and a solution.

On a documentary by one of the local channels, they interviewed a poor family who confessed that none of their kids were planned. With more than 8 kids, that shows very poor planning.

I wish I can say that this is an isolated case, but it isn’t. A lot of our fellow Filipinos are pinned to poverty because of poor family planning. The sad part is, a lot of the kids are doomed to a difficult life and  a bad future because of this.

To the church’s point, population is not a problem. The lack of education and sheer poverty is.  In fact, human resource which is brought about by population is considered a wealth by many nations. So why threat is as a problem?

Defining Insanity: To do the same thing over and over again, but expecting a different result.

Consider this: (1) The government has made leaps and bounds to address education and poverty. For the last few administrations,  improving education and bringing in jobs have always been their key focus. Unfortunately, this has seemed to be an eternity to solve. (2) Population can be a double-edged sword. If it is not managed properly, it can work against you. A mix of people who are collaboratively working towards the success of the country would spell out greatness for that country. But a crowd of people, begging and soliciting help from the government would spell poverty and hunger for the whole country.

The problem of Poverty and Population has been a chicken and an egg. Due to poverty, a lot of Filipinos are not prevy to education. the lack of education has pushed them towards a life less thought off. Having a life less thought-off lead to having a relatively big family which they cannot support. Having a family which you cannot support increases poverty

Putting in family planning in the picture cuts the circle in the middle. It might not address the root cause but would provide a quick win on the fight against poverty.

So there’s my stand. I’m pro the reproductive health bill. I think that it’s not the end all solution but its a start.